Thursday, October 8, 2009

completoon of the first half of the school year

yay the school year is almost up and i got almost complete a's. i need to work harder on these things

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Noone can face the fact that this picture is awsome and nothing will be more entertaining than big headed people n a picture!!!!Well then that was a little joke!!!

Completion of the world(until it is destroyed)

Wow have you noticed lately good and bad things go back and forward well it just means we have a little luck an djust means we will have to figuire out what is happening.

C-Track!goes off track

Omg there is nothing that i can think of more than going off-track which comes really soon october 23.If you are a c-tracker just give some love to the fact we are about to go off-track.!!!!