Thursday, October 8, 2009

completoon of the first half of the school year

yay the school year is almost up and i got almost complete a's. i need to work harder on these things

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Noone can face the fact that this picture is awsome and nothing will be more entertaining than big headed people n a picture!!!!Well then that was a little joke!!!

Completion of the world(until it is destroyed)

Wow have you noticed lately good and bad things go back and forward well it just means we have a little luck an djust means we will have to figuire out what is happening.

C-Track!goes off track

Omg there is nothing that i can think of more than going off-track which comes really soon october 23.If you are a c-tracker just give some love to the fact we are about to go off-track.!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Complete weirdness

I feel so weird.So weird that I cant explain maybe not even you can.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Doctors appointment

Yeah i have a doctors appointment today September 14,2009.Shots are coming oh well it doesnt matter i will be better.DOnt tease me


Thursday, September 10, 2009


I have a lot of frustrations right now so many i cant even imagine so i am going to do myself a favor and go crazy.JK i know i wouldn't do anything that crazy.OK maybe you think so alright but i don't care what you think


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bee Stings

I hate bee stings.I got one last week and it hurt now my arm is swollen and it burns very bad and i want to stab it with a pencil.There is no way that it can get more worse than what it already is.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

my fav pic

omg this picture is awsome. I know what your thinking" the heck why are you putting a vampire on your blog" well that is the point i am a fantasty person.IT is so awesome because you can imagine you are in a place that doesnt exist but really it does.You have to believe for it to make sense.JUST READ SOME FANTASTY BOOKS AND YOU WILL FREAK AT THE WAY THEY DESCRIBE WORLDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

there is pain in my leg

darn it never had so much pain in my leg and i am thinking about hurting my ankle in specific because it really bothers me.have you eva had a pain like you want to scream at the top of your lungs well yea that is the feeling and other things have happened but oh well.

SEE YOU LATER!!!!!!!!!!!???????............!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

omg hallowen is 2 months away

so yeah i have been thinking about my halloween costume. i have a couple of ideas but who knows what will happen.!!!!!

love is 4ever

love is forever
don't ever forget it
when everything breaks loose just learn to love it

Friday, August 21, 2009

omg i still have my..........

omg i still have my teddy bear from when i was little.i know that sounds dorky because i am practilly old enough to get rid of it .that thing is more of a sister to me than my little sister(shhhhhhhshhhhhhh dont tell her).i love and noone can make me get rid of it......!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


you will not believe this (omg i cant even believe this because well imho there are things i just cant belive)well my project in my flex class is to interview teachers and see how they feel about homework.DUH everyone knows homework is boring but we will just see how the teachers feel

come and look a the blog it is pretty cool.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just a look in to my school year

omg this school year is so much fun (except for fridaywhich i dont want to talk about).My english class and history class is getting funny (if you are in my class then comment on it dont be a stranger.hey guess what i am having more fun in my flex than i ever have it is fun because we use cameras and other things.

Friday, August 14, 2009

songs that i totally love(top 10)

You might not believe this but i used to not like music.Now i just love it.OMG i forgot im gonna let you in on some of the songs i like.Im a mixed person when it comes to music meaning i love rock,r&b,hip hop,and rap depends on my mood sometimes.
1.mario-break up
2.paramore-misery business
3.dorrough-ice cream paint job
4.mike jones-swag through the rough
5.neyo-so sick
6.metallica-king nothing day-21 guns
8.bow wow-fresh azimiz
10.michael jackson-leave me alone
So you found out tthat i like different types of music including michael jackson.Im just a bizarre kid and you will soooooooooon learn to love it.
ttfn l8r g8r!!!
(i learned that you should always be yourself)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My new story from english class(lol comedy you decide)

Omg you might not believe this i have to write a story in english class the rough draft was due already(wednsday august12,2009).Thinking of ideas for it was hard and im sure it wasnt easy for you either.If you want to read the story then you will just have 2 find out when i put it up as a blog post(if i dont im sorry it is just i am getting feedback on it.Oh yeah it is a cotinued story so little pieces will be put up.


Hint for my story:

Paramore(imo this might b the best rock band)

omg,imho there are not so many singers and bands that i like but i want to talk about this one.Are you :o (shocked).well you shouldnt be.
My favorite songs by paramore:
misery business
thats what you get
check out the band at right along with other music.!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Do you guys know about the band Mettalica well yeah it is so cool.That is just my opinion you can disagree otherwise you can just feel like you dont what you thinkand you dont care.KEEP READING!Mettalica is cool and my favorite song is King Nothing.

Check out some songs at yahoo on the music section!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Miachael Jackson 1958-2009

Michael Jackson one of the best pop singers in the world.He died June 25,2009 a very tragic moment indeed if you want to listen to any of his songs go to
Personally Michael Jackson might have made the best videos in the world.His group with his brothers were pretty famous back in the day.Girls would run up onto the stage and try and hug,kiss ,and touch on the brothers.Remember Michael Jackson was a classic and you are never to old or young to listen to one of his songs.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This website is so cool it has so many different just click here to go to the site. The website has shooting,action,sports,puzzle,and more games so if you are one of those people that like to play games then try out this website.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My days at schools so far

My school days so far are so faun because of all my classes.English with Ms.Schooler is fun because of the decoratingof notebooks and the making up of a story for our culminating task.YAY I CAN MY OWN STORY!Algebra with Ms.Shehn-Brown isnt so fun bacause she helps with every single prolbem which isnt so challenging.History with Mr.Lemonds is so funny bacause jokes around while we are doing our work so it is pretty fun.Science my favorite subject withMs.Nguyen is hard because of the writing but it is also fun learning about organisms and allwith the experiments but it is so fun.Library service is fun because we get to checkout more than 3 books.

So school is so fun so far

Brainpop Quiz scores

1.Nails-8 out of 10 I learned that most of the nail you see is dead.The nail is maid out of the same vitamin as hair.
2.Harry Potter-10 out of 10-I learned that Harry Potter learned he was a wizard at the age of 11 and went to the wizard school called Hogwarts and lives in the part of the school called Gryffendor.
3.Cloning-9 out of 10-I learned cloning doesn't always work.You have to use 2 different dna's from a plant,animal,or human.
4.Information Privacy-9 out of 10-Information privacy is very important because if you give your information to a website then you will have a lot of spam mail in your inbox.
5.Lord of the flies-8 out of 10-The book was written by the author William Golding,the book is an allegory,a story that has every character stand for something .
6.Elvis Presley-9 out of 10-Elvis Presley was a very famous rock and roll star,he only got more famous after he died from a heart attack that probably happened from drugs.
7.Babies-8 out of 10-I learned that woman only have babies through sexual intercourse.The babie is feed through the umbilical cord that is connected to the mothers insides.
8.Gender Determination-9 out of 10-I learned that gender determination depends on your genes.The egg always carries a x cell while a sperm cell contains a x or y cell.
9.Death-9 out of 10-I learnsd there are so many different thingsthat happen after death like the cooling of the body temperture and the body stiffening up and if you need someone to talk to, talk to a family member.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Review:Vampire Kisses

The book Vampire Kisses is a great book.This book has an outcast gothic girl named Raven that noone understands.There is mansion that has been abandoned since Raven was little and when the Sterlings move into the mansion,Raven tries to figure out what the Sterlings are but when she goes into the mansion she is amazed with the things in the house.